The 2024 application cycle for the Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation Scholarships is now closed. Thank you to all of the applicants.

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Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation

The Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation's primary purpose is to recognize and promote excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science. As a result, the public will become more aware of the important role Environmental Engineers and Scientists play in managing global, national and regional environmental challenges. To accomplish its goals, the Foundation dedicates its resources to education, research and awards focused on outstanding Environmental Engineering and Science achievement.

The Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation (EESF) was established to meet a key strategic objective of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists®. In order to not be at a competitive disadvantage in fund raising to support its programs, the Academy needed to be able to provide a tax-exempt vehicle for accepting donations to expand the Academy's activities in support of environmental education.

With the Foundation's mission in mind, the Foundation's Board of Directors has been working with committees of AAEES to define the activities to be supported. Initial areas to be supported are: development of local student chapters of AAEES, partnering with other organizations to add Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science to their outreach to K-12 students, and recognition of environmental engineers and scientists -- and environmental engineering and science educators -- through the Frederick G. Pohland Medal, W. Brewster Snow Award, and the W. Eckenfelder Memorial Fund. A complete list of activities, with descriptions, can be found via the donate link below.

How You Can Help

The Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation is currently accepting any tax-exempt charitable donations. Donate now at or by mailing your donation to:

A copy of the current financial statement of the Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation is available by writing to the address above or by calling 410-266-3311. Documents and information submitted under the Maryland Solicitations Act are also available, for cost of postage and copies, from the Maryland Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis MD 21401, (410) 974-5534.

Latest News from the Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation

2023 Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation Scholarship Recipients Announced.

The Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation (EESF) has as its Mission “to secure and direct resources to advance environmental engineering and science in the areas of research, education and practice”.

In line with its mission, EESF has created annual scholarships for Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science students at the Master’s level.

In 2023, eight $2,500 scholarships are being awarded to outstanding students seeking their Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering and Master’s Degree in Environmental Science at accredited U.S. universities.

These individuals emerged from a highly competitive process that considered academic achievement, resume, essay, and letters of recommendation.

EESF was able to attract a sizable number of applicants and the quality of their qualifications was outstanding.

It is our privilege to introduce these outstanding recipients and provide excerpts from their resumes and essays.

Congratulations to:

These individuals emerged from a highly competitive process that considered academic achievement, resume, essay, and letters of recommendation.

Read more about them at

We are now accepting applications for the 2024 EESF Scholarships. Please visit for eligibility requirements and to apply today.

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