Direct Giving
This is the simplest way to give and has an immediate impact.
You can donate online now at or you can simply write a check to the Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation.
Legal Name
Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation
(Federal Tax ID #52-2156183)
1125 West Street, Suite 241
Annapolis, MD 21401
Telephone: 410.266.3311
Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation

Your donation qualifies as a charitable deduction, subject to normal IRS deduction limitations. If you do not specify a purpose, the Foundation will decide how to use the money in support of its programs. Or you can specify a purpose, such as an existing Award fund.
Or you can donate non-cash assets such as stocks or bonds. Again, you can restrict the donation to a specific purpose, or let the Foundation decide how best to use the funds.
Gifts of publicly traded stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares can yield a wealth of potential benefits for you and the EES Foundation. With this type of gift you can:
- Elimate capital gains taxes on the securities you donate - if you've held them for more than one year.
- Receive a federal income tax charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the securities on the date of the gift, subject to the limits on charitable contributions found within the tax code.
- Provide valuable support to the Foundation's educational programs.
The income tax deduction for appreciated securities you've held for more than one year is generally limited to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income in the year you make the gift, but your excess deduction is deductible for up to five additional years.
Your securities will be valued on the date they become the Foundation's property. The value of your gift is the average of the high and low selling prices on the date they are credited to the Foundation's account. Special rules may apply for certain large securities donations, securities with no sales on the valuation date, or other closely held securities.
☑Next Steps
- Request transfer instructions on making a gift of stocks or mutual funds from a member of our staff. Call 410.266.3311. Seek the counsel of your financial or legal advisor or attorney.
- Please use our legal name, address, and Federal Tax ID if incorporating the Foundation into your plans.
Real Estate
An outright, irrevocable gift of real estate to the Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation offers you immediate benefits and may be more advantageous to you than leaving the real estate to the Foundation in your will. In addition, when you make an outright gift of real estate:
- You are eligible for an income tax charitable deduction equal to the full fair market value of the property, not just the original cost.
- If you've owned the property for at least one year, you will not have to pay any capital gains tax at the time of transfer.
- Have your property appraised by a professional appraiser as this will usually be required by the IRS whenever real estate is a charitable gift.
Options to Consider
There are numerous ways to make a gift of real estate, each with its own unique benefits:
- Life Income Gift. Fund a charitable trust or gift annuity, which can provide you, your spouse, or other beneficiaries annual income for life.
- Retained Life Estate. With this type of gift, you donate property - such as your home, vacation home, or other property - while retaining the right to live there for the rest of your life. You continue to care for the property, pay taxes and insurance, and receive all rental income. After your lifetime, that of another person, or a pre-determined term of years, the Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation takes possession of the property.
- In the year you make your gift, you become eligible for an immediate income tax charitable deduction for a portion of the appraised value of the property.
- If at any point you no longer wish to occupy the property, you can rent it and receive an additional source of income. Or, you can give the Foundation the right to use the property for the rest of your life. This may provide you with another charitable deduction.
- Retained Life Estates are a highly complex transaction that involve a full understanding of the options available for utilizing this financial device. The EES Foundation recommends that you work with a tax attorney or financial specialist who is well-versed in this area to determine the specific elements of a program that achieves your charitable intent and passes IRS review.
☑Next Steps
- Seek the counsel of your financial or legal advisor.
- Please use our legal name, address, and Federal Tax ID if incorporating the Foundation into your plans.